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About Us

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Our Story


Jenny Tebbutt - Founding Director of Raising Achievement.

After 15 years of working and developing my knowledge as a specialist teacher, I realised that in order to help underachieving and at-risk students in the education system that systemic changes were going to be needed.  

I passionately believe we need to make a positive difference for at-risk learner groups and I am determined for Raising Achievement to lead this transformation and change. 

Who do I work with?

  • Schools

  • Teachers

  • Students

  • and families

Why are schools currently unsupported?

Mainstream teachers are not provided with specific training to meet the needs of at-risk learner groups.
Early on, I realised my basic training equipped me to work with 75% of the students I would find in my classes.
Whilst many teachers opted for training in special education this only covered approximately another 3%. 
Statistically, around 22% of learners are uncatered for by mainstream education and teachers are often left feeling unable to appropriately support.


Raising Achievement was established in 2012 specifically to close this gap for teachers and schools. We operate throughout Australasia running online courses and whole school development to support schools to raise achievement for the hard to reach groups.

We do this by:

Working with schools:

  • Leading school-based self audits to identify current strengths and next steps in assessing the needs for children who learn differently within the school.

  • Developing school-based policy and practice to support teachers to better serve at-risk learners.


  • Working with Learning Support Coordinators, Special Education Needs Co-ordinators, and Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour.


  • Our online courses for Learning Support Co-ordinators, special education needs coordinators and school management teams provide explicit support in developing policy to guide this area of the school.

  • Courses focus on developing job descriptions and a team approach to ensuring student achievement for all at-risk learners is achieved.


  • Gifted and talented students/low literacy and numeracy students/ English Additional Language student and students with diversity. 


  • Schools undertake a self-guided self-audit and embark on a change process. This process develops and implements key priorities to significantly reduce underachieving student numbers.


  • Participants are mentored in every aspect of school leadership such as screening assessments, analysis of needs, programme development and implementation and the development of processes to provide teachers with knowledge and practice to meet the needs of all learner groups in classrooms.


Online Teacher Programme:

These Programmes trains teachers to identify students not yet diagnosed through a unique assessment tool.

Once identified, teachers, are supported through differentiated, planning, teaching. assessment and monitoring to maximise achievement for all learner groups. Practical strategies, effective resources and tools allow teachers to implement best practices and evidence gains in student achievement through pre and post-testing.

Online Teacher Aide Courses:

Very often teacher aides are given our most underachieving students and yet they have the least training to support them. Raising achievement utilises unique programmes and resources that address underpinning cognitive weaknesses. These weaknesses prevent students from accessing the curriculum.

Our teacher aide training focuses on raising student achievement through the support of ‘third wave “ programmes.

Teacher aides are in a unique position as they regularly have the opportunity to work with individuals and small groups. With the right training, they are well placed to support schools improve outcomes significantly.
Teacher aide training with Raising Achievement trains teacher aides to become specialist literacy and numeracy assistants and effectively increase the confidence and capability of students and their results in learning.


Working with Parents:

Navigating the school system can be difficult for all parents but navigating the school system is even harder with a diverse learner.

Our parent programmes support parents to:

  • Understand their child as a learner

  • Identify the underpinning cognitive weaknesses impacting their achievement

  • and receive information on the next steps for their child.


Home Learning Programmes:

l guide you in the support of your child through reading, spelling and other literacy areas as well as numeracy.

Many parents report sessions give them significant new and helpful guidance and that home learning becomes a pleasurable family experience  rather than something that is dreaded


As a specialist Working with Parents I have worked alongside primary, secondary and post-secondary schools and organisations to raise achievement in at-risk groups within the education sector and have over 25 years of experience.

I am passionate about reaching as many people as possible with the tools, programs and supports I have developed.

I do this by way of online programs, customised school-based consulting and my book “The Wobbly Kids: Raising Achievement For Those Who Learn Differently – A Guide for Schools and Teachers”


I have a Post Graduate Qualification in Literacy from Massey University.

Alongside my consulting career, I was on the National Executive of SPELD  including a year as President from 2004 to 2008 and was a  Director of their specialist qualification the Certificate in Specific Learning Disabilities from 1998 - 2007. 

Consultant to Education and Achievement Association formerly ADHD Rotorua.

I have vast experience in low decile schools with high literacy needs and working with schools with predominantly Maori and Indigenous students.

I have designed and implemented successful transition programmes for Maori students and our work is well suited to English Second Language learners.

I have led a number of projects with schools with moderate learning needs under Group Special Education Enhanced Programme Funding. 

As the founder of Raising Achievement, I am proud to have curated a team of specialist associates who provide additional support and knowledge to the courses we provide.

Our Associates


Adelie Reid
- Specialist Teacher

Adelie graduated from Wellington College of Education with a Diploma in Teaching in 1990.

Adelie has a deep love for working with children who would otherwise slip through the cracks in our education system.

Her dedication to support diverse learners and addressing their needs within the curriculum is truly a talent.

Adelie is currently undertaking Educational Psychology studies which led to her specialising in literacy and literacy learning differences.


Outside of her role as an associate with Raising Achievement Adelie is a facilitator for the Better Start Literacy Approach and works with teachers using evidence -based practice to improve student literacy outcomes.

She strives to help educators develop their pedagogical practice and understand the role of phonology in literacy.

Adelie’s best practice method aims to help teachers develop an affordable resource kit (while building their own professional capability in structured literacy). This, in turn, then results in them improving their confidence and the literacy practice and outcomes for their students.     

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Stuart Warren - Optometrist 

Graduating with a master in optometry from the Auckland University in 1993 Stuart has had his own practice in Auckland for 19 years.

After partnering with Kip McGrath Tutoring (NZ) Stuart developed an interest in the correlation between Children with Learning Difficulties and their vision. This lead him to specialize in behavioural optometry with The University of New South Wales in 2000.


In 2005 Stuart visited a research group at the Freiburg University in Germany that assessed some 3000 students with dyslexia for visual and auditory processing problems. Their research was unique because it showed how these skills changed with age from primary school through to the end of high school, and that a significant difference existed between those with and without dyslexia.

After years of testing, Stuart brings a wealth of knowledge to our programs. He has seen how studies attributing poor eye tracking to the result of language difficulties are flawed and that a similar rationale may also apply to other skills involving rapid visual processing. 

Stuart has created an outstanding screening test for the near-vision that can be used by teachers with their students as well as an iPad app that tests and also trains key aspects of visual & auditory processing.

The app is currently being used by schools in NZ including a collaboration that involves 18 schools in the Rotorua district of New Zealand.

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